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Free Egg Decorating

April 19th at 9AM

Hawaii Island

Grown, Caught, Raised

at the keauhou shopping Center

Know your farmers-Know your food

Live Music Every Saturday Morning!


100% big island grown.

At our market you will find locally raised produce, honey, flowers, Kona coffee, macadamia nuts, meat and eggs, handmade breads, jams, and so much more. All 100% grown and produced in Hawaii.

Enjoy meeting the farmers and makers dedicated to bringing you fresh food right from their farms while walking through our beautiful outdoor market. 

The Keauhou Farmers Market is held every Saturday, 8AM - 12PM at the Keauhou Shopping Center. We hope to see you there!


Applications for the

Kona County Farm Bureau College Scholarship

are now open!

Aʻohe pau ka ʻike i ka hālau hoʻokahi.
All Knowledge is not taught in the same school
— Hawaiian Proverb


get to know

The Kona County Farm Bureau


Support big island Farming

The Keauhou Farmers Market is sponsored by the Kona County Farm Bureau (KCFB). KCFB is committed to the growth of more community-oriented food systems that serve to advance island prosperity. 

Joining the Farm Bureau is the best way to support your local Kona farmers, in addition to shopping at our lovely market. Joining is easy and there are many great benefits.  Anyone from farmers and supporters of the local farm community alike can join and support the local Hawaii Island farming community.