When you join the Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation (HFBF), 1600 members, you are recognized as a member of The national American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF), 5.5 million members, The Big Island Farm Bureau, 750 members, and individual County Farm Bureaus (Hamakua, Hilo, Kohala, and Kona).
Your membership and participation in the Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation supports Hawaii agriculture and ensures the health and welfare of Hawaii’s farming community. Only HFBF, a 501 (c) (5) nonprofit corporation has the legal authority to lobby the legislature on behalf of its members. Farm Bureau’s numbers and reputation are well regarded locally and nationally. Get involved, let your voice be heard, and work to make Hawaii agriculture the best it can be.
- Members receive the HFBF Newsletter and Agriculture Hawaii magazine, an industry publication of Hawaii’s member commodity advisory groups (CAG)
- Members have legislative representation at national, state and county levels
- Full-time state and part-time local staff respond to industry needs
- Members & families enjoy free entry to local and state farm fairs
- Members can attend numerous workshops, trainings, speaker meetings, seminars, and special events throughout the year, hosted by their respective Farm Bureau counties
- Members are eligible for health & auto insurance and discounts at national, state and island level; details are provided below.
Call HFBF office for information on accessing these benefits, including all insurance enrollments • Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation (HFBF) 1-800-482-1272
• Health/Dental Insurance: H.M.S.A., HDS Dental, Care Entree
• AFLAC Cancer Insurance
• John Hancock Long Term Care
Auto Insurance: AIG. Call direct for quote: 1-887-533-2444, identify yourself as a Farm Bureau member; discounts vary
- Grainger Discount Program (all kinds of construction tools: electrical, plumbing, pumps, pressure washing, accessories, etc.) Members receive 10% discount on maintenance and repair products, technical support. Call HFBF for a Grainger Account Number.
Banking (also see National) and Services
- Hawaii USA Federal Credit Union
- Legal defense fund
Call the HFBF at 1-800-482-1272 for brochure send out, or visit the sites online:
- Farm Bureau Bank (www.farmbureaubank.com) 1-800-492-FARM (3276) Credit cards, Deposit accounts, Vehicle loans, Mortgage loans, Business services
Products & Services
FBCountry (www.fbcountry.com) 1-800-826-8145 Comprehensive web site for Farm Bureau members, news, weather, legislation, reports, market commentaries and reports: FB On-line Auction Service, FB Apparel, Satellite Connections.
Please identify yourself as a Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation Member when doing business with these merchants and have your membership card ready.
Direct market support through Big Island Farm Bureau’s agricultural tourism project. BIFB markets Big Island on-farm visits via direct contact, brochure, mailings and website to Hawaii-bound travelers with an interest in agriculture. You give us your criteria for hosting on-farm visits, and BIFB makes the arrangements to bring the guests to your farm. Training and support for direct market and product development, hosting on-farm visits, and site development are available to Hawaii AgVentures participants. Only BIFB members are eligible for participation in Hawaii AgVentures. Please call Stacy Davis, Hawaii AgVentures Project Coordinator, for more information and applications (808) 882-7084.
full service florist Hilo: 333Kilauea Ave. 935-9952 10% discount on in-state orders & phone orders, no discount on out-of-state orders or shipments. Must mention your HFBF membership.
Cell phones, pagers, accessories 10% discount on accessories Hilo: 54 Waianuenue Ave. 935-7243
Farm supplies, fertilizer and crop protection products. Hrs. 7:00 AM-4:00 PM M-F Wholesale pricing on all products, General Excise Tax at ½ % Hilo: 430 Kekuanaoa 933- 7800 Kona: 74-5223A Queen Kaahumanu Hwy 329-8094
Frames and eyeglasses, prescriptions filled. Hilo: 20% discount 899 Ululani Street, Suite 2 935-1119 Kona: 10% discount 75-167 Hualalai Road 329-9308
Construction, irrigation supplies Special Pricing on HFBF cash account Hilo: 182 Holomua St. 933-3224 Kona: 75-5570 Lawehana St. 327-4400
Lawn equipment, gardening supplies, fertilizers, etc. Discount varies with purchase. No discounts on labor, parts, plants & some seeds. Hilo: 300 Keawe Street 961-2875
Welding supplies, outdoor grills, work clothes. Must check with each location for discounts. No discounts on gases, welding machines, and special orders. Hilo: 525 Kalanianaole 935-3341 Kamuela: 64-1067 Mamalahoa Hwy 885-8636 Kona: Above Home Depot, Kaloko Industrial Park 329-7393
Lawn & garden supplies, fertilizer, pesticides, etc. 10% off selected products & services, including hand tools, chemicals, and fertilizers. Hilo: 318 Kinoole Street 935-1246 935-6697
Automotive supplies. 15-20% off most products, cash account. Please show FB card. Hilo: 400 E. Kawili Street 961-3445 Kona: 74-5611 Alapa St. (Kailua Industrial Area) 329-6272 Capt. Cook: 81-6245 Mamalahoa Hwy. 323-2631 Keaau: 18-541 Old Volcano Hwy. 966-5426
join us for
Monthly Board of Director Meetings

Kona County Farm Bureau monthly board of director meetings are held on one Saturday of each month, except in the month of December. Meetings are convened after the Keauhou Farmers Market at 1pm at the Kona County Farm Bureau Office located in the Honalo Marshaling Yard, at the Hawaii Ulu Cooperative. The Annual General Membership meeting is held in August and quarterly meetings of the general membership are scheduled.
For more information email us: konacountyfarmbureau@gmail.com